After the Sulawesi ride, the plan was to head to the Indian subcontinent. I had initially considered making a stop in Bangladesh before heading to India. However, that visit had to be postponed after I lost some time due to my accident in Sulawesi. The plan in India was to get a motorcycle and ride […]
Sulawesi, Indonesia – 2023 – Part 3

This third and last part of the Sulawesi road trip will start in Gorontalo, you can read up about how I got there on this post. One of the things to do in Gorontalo, is to swim with shark whales, this might sound “romantic” but it’s really a controversial activity. I had done a similar […]
Sulawesi, Indonesia – 2023 – Part 2

Here we go again! After my time in Toraja, it was time to head to the next destination, Banggai Laut, which is a 750 km ride followed by a 9-hour ferry ride to reach. I went from Rantepao to Palopo, nothing much to do there, but had to stay 2 nights because of the rain, […]
Sulawesi, Indonesia – 2023 – Part 1

Well, well, well… Here I am, unexpectedly back in Indonesia by the end of May 2023. My original plans for this time of year took an unexpected turn, leading me to Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The “new plan”, get a motorcycle, and drive in Sulawesi for 2 months, because Indonesia allowed only 2 months on a […]
Laos – 2023

After being laid off from my full-time job, I made the decision to hit the road and explore places I’ve longed to visit, far beyond the constraints of a typical two-week vacation. With Laos receiving praise from many, I determined it would be my first destination to thoroughly explore. I have a lot more media […]
Vietnam – 2023

After we flew out of Indonesia, the next stop was Vietnam, Hanoi to be exact. After a few days in the city, we got on our motorcycles and drove off to the northwest of Vietnam. If you want more photos or videos you can check out my Instagram story highlights. But first, a stop in […]
Indonesia – 2023

After India I moved to Saigon for a month, to recover from India haha. A few days later, in the beginning of 2023, my sister and her boyfriend came to visit me and SEA for 3 months, after meeting Bangkok we flew to Denpasar, not that I absolutely wanted them to see Bali but it’s […]
India – 2022

Ahh India! When covid started India was next on the list, I was about to book a flight to Mumbai from Hanoi when suddenly I had to book a flight back to Canada. Anyway, fast forward to November 2022, and here I am, in an auto rickshaw (as they call it there) in Jaipur! Here’s […]
Georgia Roadtrip (The country…) 2022

On September 11, 2022, I landed in Tbilisi from Istanbul, I stayed around Tbilisi for about 2 weeks before renting a Toyota Hilux from and driving off to the mountains. This post is about the road trip only, check out my Instagram story highlights for more of Georgia, mostly Tbilisi. Here’s a map of the […]
North West Vietnam Roadtrip 2022

May 2022. After previously exploring a lot of pre-pandemic Vietnam (See here, part 1, 2, and 3) once the country reopened, I went back to explore the northwest part of the country, on a 9-day motorbike road trip. A place I had never been to before. The plan was to take a week off work […]