This third and last part of the Sulawesi road trip will start in Gorontalo, you can read up about how I got there on this post. One of the things to do in Gorontalo, is to swim with shark whales, this might sound “romantic” but it’s really a controversial activity. I had done a similar […]
Sulawesi, Indonesia – 2023 – Part 2

Here we go again! After my time in Toraja, it was time to head to the next destination, Banggai Laut, which is a 750 km ride followed by a 9-hour ferry ride to reach. I went from Rantepao to Palopo, nothing much to do there, but had to stay 2 nights because of the rain, […]
Indonesia – 2023

After India I moved to Saigon for a month, to recover from India haha. A few days later, in the beginning of 2023, my sister and her boyfriend came to visit me and SEA for 3 months, after meeting Bangkok we flew to Denpasar, not that I absolutely wanted them to see Bali but it’s […]
Bali + Lombok – Indonesia 2021-2022

This will post will be a bit of a random collection of places I have been in Bali and Lombok in the 15 months I was around there. There are many other spots I went to during that period but with a full-time job, sometimes you don’t have the motivation to bring your camera with […]
Sumba – Indonesia 2021

October 2021. After the eventful return from Kalimantan to Java, I stayed in Surabaya for a few days and then took a week off work to travel to Sumba. Sumba is an island in the province of East Nusa Tenggara. It’s a wild island with very few services. Most people visit the island with a […]
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Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting – Indonesia 2021

Hello, this trip was something I wanted to do in 2019 when I was first in Indonesia, but it wasn’t possible at the time as fires were blazing in the area. With strict restrictions in July 2021 around the country, I had to wait to visit this place. At the end of August news came […]
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Komodo Island – Indonesia 2021

I flew to Jakarta from Lisbon on December 31st, arrived at the Jakarta airport right before the new year, while waiting for a bus to drive me to my quarantine hotel, the new year arrived. After the 5 days quarantine, I stayed in Jakarta for 4 nights and then flew to Denpasar, Bali. I did […]
Indonesia – 2019

Ooooooh Indonesia. You were not on my radar, Bali was such a turn off to me that I didn’t even take the time to do more research about the country. Luckily an ex-co-worker asked me to go snap some photos of him surfing and I discovered an amazing country. Arrived on August 28th, 2019 and […]